God is not finished with you!
God is not finished with you!
God gave his only begotten son for us (John 3:16 KJV). Jesus gave his life for our lives, and because of His decision we are free today (Galatians 1:4 KJV). No human could pay that price because we were born in sin (Romans 5:19 KJV).
Christ died to pay the price for us. A sinless human had to die for the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21).
The price that was paid was through death. When Christ died for us, he redeemed us (To gain possession of) from satan (Galatians 3:13 KJV). He became accursed for us so that we could be free. Ephesians 1:7, KJV
Jesus was approved and qualified to be the debt payor for us (1 John 2:2 KJV). Because of Him, we are now able to go to God in spirit and truth (John 14:6, KJV and Ephesians 2:18, KJV)
Were you worth the sacrifice that delivered you from the enemy’s grasp? Were you worth the freedom from sin and death? Absolutely, YES!
So today, choose wisely. You were worth the price that was paid, allowing God to be the sustainer of your life.
I invite you now to experience true freedom from sin. Don’t just read this call to salvation—receive it! I urge you to accept the Lord as your Savior.
By confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart, you will be saved.
If you're ready, say these words out loud:
"God, I acknowledge in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and was raised from the dead. Through faith in Jesus Christ, I am healed and saved." (Romans 10:9, KJV)
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God Bless.
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